3 года назад
Английский язык
Загальне:Does the Internet allow you to travel on computer highways around the world?
Спеціальне:Who allows you to travel on computer highways around the world?
Альтернативне: Does the Internet allow you to travel on computer highways around the world or in a certain corner of it?
Розділове:The Internet allows you to travel on computer highways around the world, right?
Запитання до різних членів речення : What does the Internet allow you to do around the world?
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Загальне:Does the Internet allow you to travel on computer highways around the world?
Спеціальне:Who allows you to travel on computer highways around the world?
Альтернативне: Does the Internet allow you to travel on computer highways around the world or in a certain corner of it?
Розділове:The Internet allows you to travel on computer highways around the world, right?
Запитання до різних членів речення : What does the Internet allow you to do around the world?