COMPARATIVES OR SUPERLATIVES? 1- Lucas is Dustin. (tall) 2- Will is. of the group. (short) 3- Nancy is her brother Mike. (old) 4- Eleven is of the whole group. (powerful 5- Max has hair. (long) 6- Dustin is of them all. (funny) 7- Will is his brother Jonathan (young) 8- Police Chief Hopper is his partners. (brave) 9- The Demogorgon is. creature. (frightening) 10- The Upside Down is place you can ever imagine. (scary) 11- Mr Clarke is science teacher in Hawlans Middle school.(good) 12- Hawkins National Laboratory is one of in the world​
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Rubakaplya 3 года назад
Светило науки - 22 ответа - 0 раз оказано помощи
1)taller than
2)the shortest
3)older than
4)the most powerful
5)the longest
6)the funniest
7)younger than
8)braver than
9)the most frightening
10)the scariest
11)the best
12)Там надо самому слово придумать?Если да,то пусть будет: the most famous

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